A Game of Thrones by George RR Martin

When you join the Drunk Guys Book Club, you drink or you die when you discuss A Game of Thrones by George RR Martin. Valar Beerghulis! (all men must drink), including: Little Wolf by Zero Gravity Craft Brewing, Comatose by GoodLife Brewing, Optimal Wit by Port City Brewing, Powder Dreams by Captain Lawrence, Dire Wolf by Wolf’s Ridge Brewing, King of the North by Ommegang, Brut IPA by Sierra Nevada, Temporary Identity by Threes Brewing, Date Night Bro by Big aLICe Brewing, Jet Black Heart by Brewdog USA, and Citradamus by Melvin Brewing.

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, PlayerFM, Overcast, and where ever fine podcasts can be found. We are also happy to announce being part of the Hopped Up Network of independent beer Podcasters.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest.  There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Join us next week when we read Lamb by Christopher Moore.

Check out the Top Five Fantasy Books and Series for Book Clubs. Maybe consider some sci-fi books and Drunk Guy approved discussion questions.

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

This week, the Drunk Guys mansplain a lady book when they discuss Pride and Prejudice by Stone Cold Jane Austen. They also spend 10,000 a year on beer, including: Tickling the Ivories by Hoof Hearted, Party Crasher by LIC Beer Project, But I Digress by Springdale by Jack’s Abbey, Forevermore by Threes Brewing, I Don’t Know How to Put This but This IPA is Kind of a Big Deal by Eviltwin, and Duchesse de Bourgogne by Brouerij Verhaeghe.

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, PlayerFM, Overcast, and where ever fine podcasts can be found. We are also happy to announce being part of the Hopped Up Network of independent beer Podcasters.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest.  There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Join us next week when we discuss Pet Sematary by Stephen King.

Check out the Top Five Fantasy Books and Series for Book Clubs. Maybe consider some sci-fi books and Drunk Guy approved discussion questions.

Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCort

This week, the Drunk Guys promise to die for Ireland while they discuss Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCort. They also promise to die for beer, including: Guinness Draught, Landord by Timothy Taylor Brewery, Upstairs Downstairs by Mikkeller SD, Lowlife by Evil Twin, and What the Kids Want by Swiftwater.

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, PlayerFM, Overcast, and where ever fine podcasts can be found. We are also happy to announce being part of the Hopped Up Network of independent beer Podcasters.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest.  There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Join us next week when we discuss Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

Check out the Top Five Fantasy Books and Series for Book Clubs. Maybe consider some sci-fi books and Drunk Guy approved discussion questions.

Milkman by Anna Burns (Booker Prize 2018)

This week, the Drunk Guys go off while discussing 2018 Booker winner Milkman by Anna Burns. They also explode with enthusiasm for this week’s beers, including: Birthday Bomb by Prairie Artisan Ales, Juice Bomb and Nelson Bomb by Sloop Brewing, Celtic Fury by DuClaw, Red Button by Barrier, and White Wine Barrel Ages Sour Wench by Ballast Point.

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, PlayerFM, Overcast, and where ever fine podcasts can be found. We are also happy to announce being part of the Hopped Up Network of independent beer Podcasters.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest.  There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Join us next week when we discuss another St. Patrick’s Day book, Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCort.

Check out the Top Five Fantasy Books and Series for Book Clubs. Maybe consider some sci-fi books and Drunk Guy approved discussion questions.

Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

This week, the Drunk Guys barely manage to hold it together while they discuss Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. They almost fall apart while drinking: Goat Milk Stout by Ommegang, Is This The Read Life? and Whammy by Singlecut, The Oracle by Bells, Idolatrous by Stone, Jungle Boogie by Marz Community Brewing, and Yammy Yammy by Platform.

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, PlayerFM, Overcast, and where ever fine podcasts can be found. We are also happy to announce being part of the Hopped Up Network of independent beer Podcasters.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest.  There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Join us next week when we discuss Milkman by Anna Burns.

Check out the Top Five Fantasy Books and Series for Book Clubs. Maybe consider some sci-fi books and Drunk Guy approved discussion questions.

Fifty Shades Darker by E.L. James

This week, the Drunk Guys bite down and take some beers while they discuss E.L. James’ seminal (ha) work, Fifty Shades Darker. The beers that run a train on them include Life Itself and Shake Me Down by Platform Beer Co., Flying Dog Brewery’s Doggie Style, Prairie Artisan Ales‘ Birthday Bomb, Oil of Aphrodite by Jackie O’s Brewery, I Love You With My Stout by Evil Twin Brewing, Instant Gratification by Threes Brewing, Smile, You’re Beautiful, by Captain Lawrence Brewing Co. and Barrier Brewing Co., That’s a Lot of Dough also by Barrier Brewing Co., XYZ Corp by Finback Brewery, and Upland Brewing Co.’s Crimson.

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on on iTunes,Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher,PlayerFM and where ever fine podcasts can be found. We are also happy to announce being part of the Hopped Up Network of independent beer podcasters.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Pinterest.  There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Join us next week when we discuss The Turn of the Screw by Henry James (no relation, we hope).

Check out the Top Five Fantasy Books and Series for Book Clubs. Maybe consider some sci-fi books and Drunk Guy approved discussion questions.

Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston

This week, the Drunk Guys break out the auto-tune when they discuss Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston. And their eyes were watching beer, such as Star Gazer by Connecticut Valley Brewing, Curmudgeon’s Better Half by Founders, Hobo Life by Lord Hobo, Rule of Three by DuClaw, Please Take a Number by Stillwater Artisanal, and Hootie by Sixpoint.

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, PlayerFM and where ever fine podcasts can be found. We are also happy to announce being part of the Hopped Up Network of independent beer podcasters.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Pinterest.  There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Join us next week when we discuss Fifty Shades Darker by EL James for Valentines Day.

Check out the Top Five Fantasy Books and Series for Book Clubs. Maybe consider some sci-fi books and Drunk Guy approved discussion questions.

No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy

This week, the Drunk Guys relentlessly hunt down one of the best books when they read No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy. They also relentlessly hunt down the best beer, including: Sierra Nevada Hop Bullet, Blue Point Macho Muchacho, Oskar Blues Death by Coconut, Barrier Imposter, Golden Road Get Up Offa That Brown, Abomination Shotgun Sour, Gun Hill Shot in the Dark.

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, PlayerFM and where ever fine podcasts can be found. We are also happy to announce being part of the Hopped Up Network of independent beer podcasters.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Pinterest.  There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Join us next week when we discuss Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston

Check out the Top Five Fantasy Books and Series for Book Clubs. Maybe consider some sci-fi books and Drunk Guy approved discussion questions.

Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes

The Drunk Guys drink a stupid amount of beer this week when they discuss Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes. This week’s beer includes: Stupid Head by Stillwater Artisinal, Sibling Rivalry by Off Color Brewing, Gone Away by Half Acre, and Dangerously Close to Stupid Amount of Banana and Dangerously Close to Stupid Amount of Lychee by To Øl.

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, PlayerFM and where ever fine podcasts can be found. We are also happy to announce being part of the Hopped Up Network of independent beer podcasters.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Pinterest.  There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Join us next week when we discuss No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy

Check out the Top Five Fantasy Books and Series for Book Clubs. Maybe consider some sci-fi books and Drunk Guy approved discussion questions.

Beowulf – The JRR Tolkien Translation

This week, the Drunk Guys turn Mike’s basement into a mead hall while they discuss Beowulf translated by JRR Tolkien. This week’s mead/beer includes: Kurt’s Apple Pie by Moonlight Meadery, Tuco-Style Freakout by B. Nektar Meadery, Building Blocks by Mikkeller SD, Pernicious by Wicked Weed Brewing, Dark Sister by Brussels Beer Project, Forged in Fire by Alewife Brewing, and Revisionist History by Industrial Arts.

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, PlayerFM and where ever fine podcasts can be found.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Pinterest.  There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Join us next week when we discuss Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keys.

It’s not too late to join our reading challenge – for help read how to read 100 books a year.  Also, check out the Top Five Fantasy Books and Series for Book Clubs. Maybe consider some sci-fi books and Drunk Guy approved discussion questions.

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