Fight Club by Chuck Palahnuik

For episode 39 of the Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast, the Drunk Guys break the first two rules by talking about Fight Club by Chuck Palahnuik.  We drink Gigantic Whole in the Head, 21st Amendment Down to Earth, Innis and Gunn Kindred Sprits, Mikkeller Running Club, Revolution A little Crazy, Common Roots Shadow Figures, Platform The Ghost Inside, Clown Shoes The Stranger, Threes Brewing Definition of Insanity, Barrier Kapow!

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on on iTunes, Google PlayStitcher, PlayerFM and where ever fine podcasts can be found.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on TwitterInstagramFacebook, YouTube, and Pinterest.  There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Join us next week as we read Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury.

It’s not too late to join our reading challenge – for help read how to read 100 books a year.  Maybe consider some sci-fi books and Drunk Guy approved discussion questions.

Lord of the Flies by William Golding

In episode 38 of the Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast, the Drunk Guys get deserted with only a fine selection of beers to keep them safe from the beastie as they discuss William Golding’s classic The Lord of the Flies.  While discussing why this is a popular book for high schoolers, how realistic the plot is, and things to do with a conch, we drink some choice beers including Butternuts War Dance and Pork Slap, Eviltwin Lost Souls and  Evil Twin It’s like I’m having the most beautiful IPA and the most terrible nightmare at onceRadiant Pig Junior IPA, Stillwater Nu-tropic, Decadent Ales Double Toasted Marshmallow.

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on on iTunes, Google PlayStitcher, PlayerFM and where ever fine podcasts can be found.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on TwitterInstagramFacebook, YouTube, and Pinterest.  There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Join us next week as we read Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk.

It’s not too late to join our reading challenge – for help read how to read 100 books a year.  Maybe consider some sci-fi books and Drunk Guy approved discussion questions.

Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card

In Episode 37 of the Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast, the Drunk Guys discuss the Sci-Fi classic Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card.  We managed to find more space-themed beers for this one (after drinking too many during our Hitchhikers episode) including Spaced Juice by Long Trail, Two Roads Zero 2 60, Braven Skyliner, Elysian Space Dust, Victory 4 Front, Time by Common Roots, Revision Jewel Box, Stillwater Artisanal and Oliver Brewing Whipped.

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on on iTunes, Google PlayStitcher, PlayerFM and where ever fine podcasts can be found.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on TwitterInstagramFacebook, YouTube, and Pinterest.  There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Join us next week as we read Lord of the Flies by William Golding.

If you liked this episode, you’ll probably like our episode about Armada by Ernest Cline.

It’s not too late to join our reading challenge – for help read how to read 100 books a year.  Maybe consider some sci-fi books and Drunk Guy approved discussion questions.


The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck

In Episode 36 of the Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast, the Drunk Guys drink themselves into and out of a depression while reading John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath.  While following the trials and tribulations of the Joad family, we drink enough beers to forget about the banks foreclosing on your farm, including Dogfish Head Noble Rot, Fulton Sweet Child of Vine,  Barrier Brewing Co. Non-Cents, Barrier Brewing Co. Money IPA, Graft Wild Woods’ Grim Wilderness Vol 1, Boulevard Brewing’s Collaboration 7, and Cuvee Freddy by Brouwerij Alvinne.

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on on iTunes, Google PlayStitcher, PlayerFM and where ever fine podcasts can be found.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on TwitterInstagramFacebook, YouTube, and Pinterest.  There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Join us next week as we read Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card.

It’s not too late to join our reading challenge – for help read how to read 100 books a year.  Maybe consider some sci-fi books and Drunk Guy approved discussion questions.

A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle

For Episode 34 of the Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast, Drunk Guys Mike, Nate, and Jimmy try to make sense of A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle.  What probably didn’t help was drinking Stone Inevitable Adventure, Eviltwin Even More Jesus and Even More Coco Jesus, Dogfish Head Fort, Magic Hat Heart of Darkness, Paradox Pilsner, Burial Beer The Prayer.

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on on iTunes, Google PlayStitcher, PlayerFM and where ever fine podcasts can be found.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on TwitterInstagramFacebook, YouTube, and Pinterest.  There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Join us next week as we read Armada by Ernest Cline and are joined by Dave from Dave’s Nerd Compendium Podcast!

It’s not too late to join our reading challenge – for help read how to read 100 books a year.  Maybe consider some sci-fi books and Drunk Guy approved discussion questions.

The Giver by Lois Lowry

In Episode 33 of the Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast, the Drunk Guys give it their best shot for The Giver by Lois Lowry.  We also give a bunch of color-themed beers a try including Purple Haze, Double Red, Choklate Oranj, Delirium Red, and Velvets are Blue.

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on on iTunes, Google PlayStitcher, PlayerFM and where ever fine podcasts can be found.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on TwitterInstagramFacebook, YouTube, and Pinterest.  There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Join us next week as we read A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle.

It’s not too late to join our reading challenge – for help read how to read 100 books a year.  Maybe consider some sci-fi books and Drunk Guy approved discussion questions.

The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien

In Episode 32 of the Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast, the Drunk Guys go on an epic drinking quest to reclaim some dragon-pilfered Dwarven gold while reading The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien.  As we meander through Middle Earth, we’ll discuss the important issues like how many breakfasts is enough, how bad an adventurer every character in the book is, and why magic is dumb.

Our quest was lubricated by an epic amount of beverages including Mikkeller Beer Geek Breakfast, Founders CBS, Two Roads Espressway, Evil Twin Imperial Biscotti Break, Old Wayfarer Oaked Amber Mead, Evil Twin Imperial Mexican Biscotti Cake Break

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on on iTunes, Google PlayStitcher, PlayerFM and where ever fine podcasts can be found.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on TwitterInstagramFacebook, YouTube, and Pinterest.  There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Join us next week as we read The Giver by Lois Lowry.

Looking for other fantasy books to read?  Check out our picks for the top fantasy books and series for a book club.

It’s not too late to join our reading challenge – for help read how to read 100 books a year.  Maybe consider some sci-fi books and Drunk Guy approved discussion questions.

Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer

In Episode 31 of the Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast, the Drunk Guys get annihilated for Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer.  Our annihilation was accomplished by drinking Catastrophic Pear Cider, Founder’s Doom, How Sound Brewing Megadestroyer, Bluepoint Hoptical Illusion, Sierra Nevada DevESTATEtion, Swiftwater Is this beer? Mikkeller Weird Weather, Common Roots Bright Light, and Stone Ruination.

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on on iTunes, Google PlayStitcher, PlayerFM and where ever fine podcasts can be found.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on TwitterInstagramFacebook, YouTube, and Pinterest.  There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Join us next week when we read The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien.

Also, check out our articles about Science Fiction book Club Discussion Questions  and How to Read 100 Books a Year – the 2018 Drunk Guys Reading Challenge.

Fifty Shades of Grey by EL James

In Episode 30 of the Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast, in honor of Valentines Day the Drunks Guys read Fifty Shades of Grey by EL James.  Yes, really.  And yes, this is our raunchiest and most ridiculous episode yet.  To lubricate discussion, the Drunk Guys taste fifty shades of beer, including Tell me I’m Pretty, Nobody Loves Me, Brutal by Rogue Nation, Eviltwin Wet Dream, Barrier Daddy Warbucks, Revolution Fistmas, Anchor Blood Orange Blond, Jopen Sin and Remorse, and Gossip.

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on on iTunes, Google PlayStitcher, PlayerFM and where ever fine podcasts can be found.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on TwitterInstagramFacebook, YouTube, and Pinterest.  There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Join us next week when we read Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer.

Also, check out our articles about science fiction book club discussion questions  and how to read 100 books a year.

The Alienist by Caleb Carr

In Episode 29 of the Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast, the Drunk Guys read The Alienist by Caleb Carr.  While wondering why there are no aliens in the book, the Drunk Guys sample Founders Dirty Bastard, Founders Backwoods Bastard, Boulevard Dark Truth, Delirium Noel, DuClaw Mysterium, Barrier Morticia, Pipeworks Brown and Stirred, and Crime Passionnel.

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on on iTunes, Google PlayStitcher, PlayerFM and where ever fine podcasts can be found.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on TwitterInstagramFacebook, YouTube, and Pinterest.  There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Join us next week when we read Fifty Shades of Grey by EL James.  That’s not a typo.  We really read it.

Also, check out our articles about science fiction book club discussion questions  and how to read 100 books a year.

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