Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

Continuing their Halloween binge-drinking, the Drunk Guys go back to the roots of the horror genre and discuss Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.  As Dr. Frankenstein makes life from death, the Drunk Guys move in the other direction by drinking a deadly amount of beer, including Evil Twin Brewing’s Island Bliss and Man is Born Free Yet Everywhere He is in Chains, New Belgium Brewing’s Voodoo Ranger, Oskar Blues Brewery’s Fugli, Robinsons Brewery’s Hallowed, Knee Deep Brewing Company’s Man Juice, Proper Brewing Co.’s Revenge, Barrier Brewing Co.’s Kickin’ Knowledge, and Rogue’s Dead Guy Ale.

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, PlayerFM and where ever fine podcasts can be found.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Pinterest.  There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Join us next week when we discuss Bunnicula by James an Deborah Howe

It’s not too late to join our reading challenge – for help read how to read 100 books a year.  Also, check out the Top Five Fantasy Books and Series for Book Clubs. Maybe consider some sci-fi books and Drunk Guy approved discussion questions.

The Two Towers (LOTR 2) by JRR Tolkien

This week, The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast continues their saga through Middle Earth by reading Lord of The Rings: The Two Towers by JRR Tolkien.  And we’ll never forget this week’s beers, which were Traeblood, Short Fuse, Fantastic Voyage, Voodoo Ranger, Voodoo Ranger Juicy Hazy, Never Tell Me The Odds, and Tin Cup Camp Stout.

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on on iTunes, Google PlayStitcher, PlayerFM and where ever fine podcasts can be found.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on TwitterInstagramFacebook, YouTube, and Pinterest.  There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Join us next week when we discuss The House With a Clock in its Walls by by John Bellairs.

It’s not too late to join our reading challenge – for help read how to read 100 books a year.  Also, check out the Top Five Fantasy Books and Series for Book Clubs. Maybe consider some sci-fi books and Drunk Guy approved discussion questions.

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

This week, the Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast opens their doors of perception to Brave New World by Aldous Huxley.   They also drink their way to epsilon status with the help of Alpha Dog, Pearl Necklace, Sticky Toffee Pudding Ale, Cuvee Aigre, The Shape of Hops to Come, Glorious, and I Must find the Truth that is True for Me.

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on on iTunes, Google PlayStitcher, PlayerFM and where ever fine podcasts can be found.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on TwitterInstagramFacebook, YouTube, and Pinterest.  There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Join us next week when we discuss The Whale: A Love Story by Mark Beauregard when we return to Finback Brewery.

If you enjoyed this episode, you may also enjoy our episodes on 1948, Clockwork Orange, The Giver, or Fight Club.

It’s not too late to join our reading challenge – for help read how to read 100 books a year.  Also, check out the Top Five Fantasy Books and Series for Book Clubs. Maybe consider some sci-fi books and Drunk Guy approved discussion questions.

Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn

This week, the Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast injures themselves reading Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn and inscribe on their bodies the words Aphrodite and Peche Mortel (both by Brasserie Dieu du Ciel), Sexy Saxon by Against the Grain, Make Good Decisions by Five Boroughs, Free Bully by Bolero Snort, Flying Dog Raging Bitch, Ithaca Petal Pusher, Gimme Gimme by Kills Boro, and Granola Brown Ale by Black Hog.

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on on iTunes, Google PlayStitcher, PlayerFM and where ever fine podcasts can be found.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on TwitterInstagramFacebook, YouTube, and Pinterest.  There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Join us next week when we discuss Brave New World by Aldous Huxley.

It’s not too late to join our reading challenge – for help read how to read 100 books a year.  Also, check out the Top Five Fantasy Books and Series for Book Clubs. Maybe consider some sci-fi books and Drunk Guy approved discussion questions.

The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

This week, the Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast reads The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. To atone for Hester’s sin, we drink a sinful number of beers, mostly New England IPAs, including: The Devil Made Me Do It, Hell on Wood, and Devil’s Milk (all by DuClaw), Wrench by Industrial Arts, Hazy Jane by Brewdog, Hazy Little Thing by Sierra Nevada, Built For This by Bronx Brewery, Windy Hill by Mikkeller, Jopen Coastal Gose, Righteous by Sixpoint.

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on on iTunes, Google PlayStitcher, PlayerFM and where ever fine podcasts can be found.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on TwitterInstagramFacebook, YouTube, and Pinterest.  There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Join us next week when we read Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn.

It’s not too late to join our reading challenge – for help read how to read 100 books a year.  Also, check out the Top Five Fantasy Books and Series for Book Clubs. Maybe consider some sci-fi books and Drunk Guy approved discussion questions.

Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro

This week, the Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast completes while reading Never Let Me Go by Nobel Prize-winning author Kazuo Ishiguro.  We’re probably going to need cloned livers this week because we drink Little Friend by Off Color, Wake Up Dead by Left Hand, Fruition by Ommegang, Ancient Soul #1 by B. Nektar Meadery, Sour Wench by Ballast Point, and Yours Truly by Ninkasi.

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on on iTunes, Google PlayStitcher, PlayerFM and where ever fine podcasts can be found.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on TwitterInstagramFacebook, YouTube, and Pinterest.  There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Join us next week when we read The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

It’s not too late to join our reading challenge – for help read how to read 100 books a year.  Also, check out the Top Five Fantasy Books and Series for Book Clubs. Maybe consider some sci-fi books and Drunk Guy approved discussion questions.

The Fellowship of the Ring (LOTR 1) by JRR Tolkien

For Episode 55 of the Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast, the drunken fellowship of Mike, Nate, and Jimmy begin our epic quest though the Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien.  To fortify ourselves on our epic journey, we drink Founders KBS and Backwoods Bastard, Victory Java Cask, Night Shift Awake, Sixpoint 3 Beans, Dogfish Head Dragons and Yum Yums, and Recurring Dreams by Folksbier.

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on on iTunes, Google PlayStitcher, PlayerFM and where ever fine podcasts can be found.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on TwitterInstagramFacebook, YouTube, and Pinterest.  There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Join us next week when we read Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro

It’s not too late to join our reading challenge – for help read how to read 100 books a year.  Also, check out the Top Five Fantasy Books and Series for Book Clubs. Maybe consider some sci-fi books and Drunk Guy approved discussion questions.

Life of Pi by Yann Martel at Finback Brewery (Booker Prize 2002)

For Episode 54 of the Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast, the Drunk Mike, Nate, and Jimmy return to Finback Brewery and discuss Life of Pi by Yann Martel.  Erik from Finback returns as Finback beer Sherpa while we drink a sea of beer, including: Floating Weightless, Finback IPA, Cat Love, Something Mosaic, Finite Element, Spirit of the Dead Watching.  Thanks again to Erik and everyone at Finback Brewery for hosting us again.

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on on iTunes, Google PlayStitcher, PlayerFM and where ever fine podcasts can be found.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on TwitterInstagramFacebook, YouTube, and Pinterest.  There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Join us next week as we begin our journey through Middle Earth with The Fellowship of the Ring by JRR Tolkien.

It’s not too late to join our reading challenge – for help read how to read 100 books a year.  Also, check out the Top Five Fantasy Books and Series for Book Clubs. Maybe consider some sci-fi books and Drunk Guy approved discussion questions.



Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut

This week, the Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast becomes unstuck in time while reading Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut.  To celebrate the beginning of our second year of episodes, the Drunk Guys drink our record number of beers for a single episode (not including that whale of an episode at Finback).  We drink Rauchpils and Hallo Ich Bin Berliner Weisse by Mikkeller, Rauchbeir by Schlenkerla, Death Posture by Foreign Objects, Void of Light by Gun Hill, Sunshine City by Green Bench, Brown Note by Against the Grain, and Front Toward Pilsner by Incendiary and Barrier Brewing, Desolation Prickly Pear Cider, and Molotov Lite by EvilTwin.  At the end, everything was beautiful and nothing hurt.  So it goes.

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on on iTunes, Google PlayStitcher, PlayerFM and where ever fine podcasts can be found.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on TwitterInstagramFacebook, YouTube, and Pinterest.  There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Join us next week when we read Life of Pi by Yann Martel.

It’s not too late to join our reading challenge – for help read how to read 100 books a year.  Also, check out the Top Five Fantasy Books and Series for Book Clubs. Maybe consider some sci-fi books and Drunk Guy approved discussion questions.


Frank by Julie Hamill

For our 52nd Episode The Drunk Guys read Frank by Julie Hamill.  While discussing the majesty of Queens addresses, what a douche Tommy is, Scotland, seeing ghosts and consistently mispronouncing Islay, we drink beers from Brewdog USA, EvilTwin, Goose Island, Mikkeller SD, and Founders.

We also look back on a year of The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast.  We didn’t have the numbers available during recording (hey, we were drunk) so we estimated, but in 52 episodes we read 52 books (of course) and sampled over 300 beers.  Our livers may have been permanently damaged in the process, but you can listen to every episode in our catalog without fear of injury.   If you want to drink along at home, we won’t stop you.  Not ones to rest on our success, we will continue preaching the good word about books, beer and drunken conversations.  Cheers!

Thanks again to Julie Hamill for sending her book our way – be sure to check it out!

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on on iTunes, Google PlayStitcher, PlayerFM and where ever fine podcasts can be found.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on TwitterInstagramFacebook, YouTube, and Pinterest.  There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Join us next week when we read Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut.

It’s not too late to join our reading challenge – for help read how to read 100 books a year.  Also, check out the Top Five Fantasy Books and Series for Book Clubs. Maybe consider some sci-fi books and Drunk Guy approved discussion questions.


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