Along Came a Spider by James Patterson

Beer gives the Drunk Guys somethin’ to talk about this week when they read Along Came A Spider by James Patterson. They also want to beer somebody with: Smooth Beats Miami by Finback, Not Always Present by Dancing Gnome Brewery, Solo Exhibition by Other Half, and The 50 Million Dollar Man by 3 Floyds Brewing.

Join the Drunk Guys later this week then they read The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen.

The Drunk Guys now have a Patreon and merch!

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on Apple Podcasts, Google PodcastsSpotifyStitcher, PlayerFMOvercast, and where ever fine podcasts can be found. We are also part of the Hopped Up Network of independent beer podcasters.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook. There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe

The Drunk Guys say Yeah! to more beer this week when they discuss The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allan Poe. They say OMG to: Blood Orange Cream Pop by Decadent Ales, Chocolate-Dipped Cherry by Boulevard Brewing, and Vanilla Cinnamon Barleywine Makes You Smarter by Evil Twin NYC.

Join the Drunk Guys next Tuesday when they read The Stone Sky by NK Jemisin

The Drunk Guys now have a Patreon and merch!

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on Apple Podcasts, Google PodcastsSpotifyStitcher, PlayerFMOvercast, and where ever fine podcasts can be found. We are also part of the Hopped Up Network of independent beer podcasters.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook. There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

The Sign of the Four (on 4/4) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Sherlock Holmes #2)

The Drunk Guys uncover a sign that four beers isn’t enough this week when they read The Sign of the Four by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. So they decide to drink four more beers, including: Everyday Fog by Abomination Brewing, World Gone Hazy by Bronx Brewing, and How Much Cheese is Even More Cheese – Finer Things Edition by Evil Twin NYC.

Join the Drunk Guys next Tuesday when they read A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens.

The Drunk Guys now have a Patreon and merch!

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on Apple Podcasts, Google PodcastsSpotifyStitcher, PlayerFMOvercast, and where ever fine podcasts can be found. We are also part of the Hopped Up Network of independent beer podcasters.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook. There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Forrest Gump by Winston Groom

Beer makes the Drunk Guys stupid this week when they read Forrest Gump by Winston Groom. And beer is as beer does because of Bozo Beer and Oh My God, He’s a Bozo by Evil Twin NYC.

Join the Drunk Guys next Tuesday when they read The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson.

The Drunk Guys now have a Patreon and merch!

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on Apple Podcasts, Google PodcastsSpotifyStitcher, PlayerFMOvercast, and where ever fine podcasts can be found. We are also part of the Hopped Up Network of independent beer podcasters.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook. There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

The Hound of the Baskervilles (Sherlock Holmes) by Sir Athur Conan Doyle

The Drunk Guys drink moor beer this week while they read The Hound of the Baskervilles (Sherlock Holmes) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. They howl at: Pet Insurance by Ever Grain Brewing and Non Sequitur Brewing, Breeze by Torch and Crown, #nofilter by Thomas Hooker Brewing, and Mahogany and Tweed by Burlington Beer Co.

Join the Drunk Guys next Tuesday when they read It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover.

The Drunk Guys now have a Patreon and merch!

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on Apple Podcasts, Google PodcastsSpotifyStitcher, PlayerFMOvercast, and where ever fine podcasts can be found. We are also part of the Hopped Up Network of independent beer podcasters.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook. There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway

The Drunk Guys need a siesta after beer this week when they read The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway. They wake up to drink more of: Heineken, Night Life by Greenpoint, Wrong Answers Only by Magnify, Big Mother Pumpkin and Coffee Big Mother Pumpkin by Bluepoint, Natural Lime White Claw, and Ruby Grapefruit White Claw.

Join the Drunk Guys next Tuesday when they read The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

The Drunk Guys now have a Patreon and merch!

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on Apple Podcasts, Google PodcastsSpotifyStitcher, PlayerFMOvercast, and where ever fine podcasts can be found. We are also part of the Hopped Up Network of independent beer podcasters.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook. There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Dragonfly in Amber (Outlander Book 2) by Diana Gabaldon

The Drunk Guys drink an even more outlandish amount of beer this week when they read Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon. They go to Versailles to drink: Three Kings by Bronx Brewery, Fields of Fall by Timber Ales, Santa’s Black Blood by Abomination Brewing, Alpha Klaus by 3 Floyds, Perfectly Reasonable by Aurora Brewing, Nemesis by Founders, and Christmas Eve at a New York City Hotel Room – Royal Suite Edition by Evil Twin NYC.

Join the Drunk Guys next Tuesday when they read Stella Maris by Cormac McCarthy.

The Drunk Guys now have a Patreon and merch!

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on Apple Podcasts, Google PodcastsSpotifyStitcher, PlayerFMOvercast, and where ever fine podcasts can be found. We are also part of the Hopped Up Network of independent beer podcasters.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook. There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Kindred by Octavia Butler

The Drunk Guys‘ kin dread when they have beer this week when they read Kindred by Octavia Butler. They become slaves to Courage, My Love by Threes Brewing, Strawberry Goggles by Fifth Hammer, Foggy Feelings by 18th Ward, Instant Credibility by Greenpoint, and Super Hook by Flying Dog Brewery.

Join the Drunk Guys next Tuesday when they read The Passenger by Cormac McCarthy.

The Drunk Guys now have a Patreon and merch!

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on Apple Podcasts, Google PodcastsSpotifyStitcher, PlayerFMOvercast, and where ever fine podcasts can be found. We are also part of the Hopped Up Network of independent beer podcasters.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook. There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Matilda by Roald Dahl

The Drunk Guys drink above grade level this week when they read Matilda by Roald Dahl. Their beer-lexile level includes: Honey Drop by Edmund’s Oast Brewing, Fifty Thousand Dollar IPA by Dock Street Brewing, and IGOTCHU by Gun Hill Brewing.

Join the Drunk Guys next Tuesday when they read Kindred by Octavia Butler.

The Drunk Guys now have a Patreon and merch!

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on Apple Podcasts, Google PodcastsSpotifyStitcher, PlayerFMOvercast, and where ever fine podcasts can be found. We are also part of the Hopped Up Network of independent beer podcasters.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook. There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

Breakfast At Tiffany’s (for Thanksgiving) by Truman Capote

The Drunk Guys had beer for breakfast this week when they read Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Truman Capote. They don’t Golightly on the beer, including: Catsablanca by KCBC, Hazy-O by Dogfish Head, Crème Brûlée by Boulevard Brewing, and Super Cat Daddy by Beer Tree Brew.

Join the Drunk Guys next Tuesday when they read Survivor by Chuck Palahnuik

The Drunk Guys now have a Patreon and merch!

The Drunk Guys Book Club Podcast can be found on Apple Podcasts, Google PodcastsSpotifyStitcher, PlayerFMOvercast, and where ever fine podcasts can be found. We are also part of the Hopped Up Network of independent beer podcasters.  If you’re drunk enough to enjoy the Podcast, please give us a rating. To save time, just round up to five stars.  Also, please follow us on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook. There’s no excuse to miss another Drunk Guys episode, announcement, or typo!

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